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Angel loves learning about space and time plus its relation with Matter and Energy. (The Theory of everything) . In general, he is interested in Science and technology. He usually watches documentary, anime and science fiction movies. Favorite reads include Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol 1,2,3, as well as autobiography, science and history books.

The experienced Data Center Technician has been working in hosting since 2005  and loved dealing with computers for as long as he remembers. If he could have a superpower, it’d be remote viewing with teleportation.

If Angel could find himself in any place in the world, it would be Japan. The country’s culture and customs are incredibly interesting.

MojoHost’s esteemed DC Technician grew up in Holguin, Cuba. Angel is now 41, and he studied physics at the University of Santiago de Cuba and Miami Dade College. He now proudly owns an Associate in Art in Physics. Angel is a Veteran of War – he was part of the US ARMY between 2001 and 2005 and spent one year in Iraq.

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