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CDN MojoHost

CDN: Place Your Content Worldwide

Businesses use CDNs to ensure the swiftness of data delivery and improve the performance of their web properties. Consumers appreciate when businesses use a CDN, though they may not always be aware of it because it ensures that their experience on a website is flawless.
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Latency: What is It & How to Avoid It

In networking, latency refers to the delay on the network between when a user clicks on something and when the information actually shows up on the page. Most people get frustrated after just a few seconds of latency, so this number is very important to keep as low as possible.
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The Launch of MojoCDN

MojoHost is proud to announce the official launch of the Mojo Content Delivery Network service, MojoCDN. In today's web environment of big websites and bigger bandwidth bills, the new Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a great new way in which…

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