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Contrary to stereotypes, the 34-year-old sysadmin Pavel likes romantic comedies (Hitch, Silver Linings Playbook, Bridget Jones’s Diary), as well as historical films (Gladiator, Pearl Harbor), dramas (Peaceful Warrior) and comedy movies. He enjoys watching good movies at home, with family, while eating popcorn, potato chips, snacks and drinking a Coca-Cola or beer.

This sysadmin likes first-person shooters, strategies and MMO games, including Sniper Ghost Warrior 3, World of Warships, World of Tanks, Total War – Rome II, Armored Warfare, Civilization.

Pavel was born in a small town in Zaporizhzhya region called Tokmak. Since teenage years, Pavel is fond of books in the fantasy genre and historical memoirs of participants in military conflicts (World War II, World War I, wars in Vietnam and Afghanistan, etc.) He wishes he had more free time to read these days.

Growing up in the countryside is one of the dearest memories for him. After moving to the city, Pavel visited grandparents in the country every summer. He still tries to visit the hometown often, as his mother and other family members live there.

Pavel has been working in hosting for 4 years, and before that spent 8 years as an engineer of data networks with a large Internet Service Provider. He holds a Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics and plans to travel the world more. In fact, he has a prioritized list of destinations, which includes spending 3 months touring India and Tibet, doing a steak and red wine tour of Argentina, setting off on a cultural tour of Japan, visiting the Baikal Lake and Petra in Jordan, marveling at the Aurora Borealis, Maldives, Bora Bora, New Zealand, and a camping trip to see volcanoes and the wild nature of Kamchatka. This is for starters.

Pavel tends to have very specific views about everything. For example, when asked what superpower would he choose to have, he said he’d like Mind Control. But that’s not all. He also provided a full list of specs to go with it:

  1. The person being controlled is aware of what he/she is doing.
  2. He/she does not realize they are being controlled. They just know they did something without even thinking about it. They’ll be like “Now why the hell did I do that all of a sudden?!
  3. No limitations with respect to time or distance relating to the usage of the power.
  4. I just have to look at that person or remember the person’s face to control them.
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