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Max is 24 years old, and he has been working in hosting for 3 years. From 2011-2016 he studied at the Zaporizhzhya National Technical University. He has a Master’s Degree in Computer systems and networks. This young professional is convinced that hosting is an amazing field and is always thrilled when something that didn’t work gets fixed. Max enjoys helping people and being useful. His main professional goal now is gaining experience in this field.
If this sysadmin had a superpower, it would be teleportation. He is thrilled with the immense opportunities this would provide for traveling around the world. He wants to travel around Europe and visit Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany, France, and Holland. It would be nice to visit Great Britain too (with teleportation powers or without). He’d also love to visit every state of the USA and see the most beautiful, interesting and historical places of every state. The movie “Jumper” he watched recently and enjoyed immensely also probably influenced this choice of a superpower.
Max likes action films like “Hardcore”, “Die hard”, “World War Z”, fantasy movies, including “The Lord of the Rings” and “Game of Thrones”, post-apocalyptic movies “2012”, “The Day After Tomorrow”, “Mad Max”, “Waterworld”. But to be fair, all the different genres of movies have great films that are quite fascinating to Max.
With books, Max is particularly into the works of Stephen King. His favorite stories are “11/22/63”, “Blaze”, “It”, “Different Seasons”, “Full Dark, No Stars”. He is convinced that King is unique in the way he conveys the atmosphere of time in his works, in a way that one can literally feel and experience the time described in the book. Max also likes books by Andrzej Sapkowski. He recently read almost all the stories about the Witcher. Besides fiction, Max reads a lot about new games and new technology.
While he prefers spending free time outdoors, sometimes it is also great to draw something. Max plays the guitar and spends a lot of time searching for new tunes and tabulature online.
The sysadmin doesn’t know how to cook complicated dishes, but Max sure does well in making his favorite dish – roast potatoes and chicken chops. Besides, he’s quite skilled at BBQ, mainly with chicken or pork kebab. His prized specialty is grilled chicken drumsticks with honey-soy sauce.

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